Wine, truffles and so much more ...

Piedmont is in fact the largest region of Italy in terms of area, but in contrast to other regions of Italy it is still little discovered by tourists.

On the following pages we would like to introduce you to the different facets of Piedmont.



Piedmont - (Latin: ad pedem montium) "At the foot of the mountain" - bears his name quite rightly ...

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Piemont Landschaft Teaser


The landscape is green, lush even in midsummer and in autumn the slopes and hills covered with vines turn red

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Mountain biking, hiking, wine harvesting or you explore the culinary depths of the region and simply relax ...

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Cities and Villages

Alba - Asti - Acqui Terme. Here you can find more about our triangle, but also about Turin, Genoa and many other places ...

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Piemont - Routes

Suggestions on your arrival or onward journey to get to know other beautiful places ...

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